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This is a picture of "The Year of the Snake"!
I sadly was not born on the year of the snake, but the year of the dragon is not bad eighter seeing how they are closely related. The year of the snake is my favorite year!
  Helpful Hints!
* A coralsnake and a kingsnake look alike so to distenguish them heres a rhyme "red touches yellow your a dead fellow, red touches black your ok jack"!

* If you are in the woods, or anywhere, and you see a snake, do not pick it up. The snake could be posionus, and you might die. Expecially while on vacation, unless someone with you knows it is safe.

* Do not poke or throw stuff at any snake. It won't harm you unless you provoke it to. Snakes are wild, and should be left alone. It is perfectly fine to look and observer a snake, but do not attempt to pick it up or move it.

* If you find a snake on its back not moving and looks dead, leave it alone. It might be playing dead. Yes snakes do play dead. For example Hognosed snakes play dead as their first line of deffence. Then they bite.

* If you find a snake in the wild burried in a whole or some dirt, even if you can see it don't try to pick it up! Trust me if you are willing to pick it up make sure you know exactly where the head is at all times!


These are some miss under stood facts and myths about snakes!.
Most if not all of theese are from the web site below. It is a magnifacent web site! I suggest you check it out!

* The Myth: Hoop snakes are dangerous snakes. When surprised one of these snakes will grab its tail in its mouth, form a "hoop" with its body, and roll away. One version of the myth says that the hoop snake will chase a person in this manner, but a conflicting version says that the hoop snake uses this means to escape from a threat. Yet another version has it that the snake will roll down a hill killing anything and everything in its path.

The Real Story: There is no such thing as a hoop snake. You won't find one in a zoo, you won't find one in a museum. And you won't find a record of a hoop snake observation that has been verified by an independent, second observation.

* The Myth: Some snakes, such as garter snakes, swallow their young in times of danger in order to protect them.

The Real Story: Garter snakes bear their young alive, as do some other kinds of snake. When born, however, the young are independent and they move away from their mother rather quickly.

* The Myth: A snake's skin is slimy and yucky, disgusting to touch.

The Real Story: A snake's skin is dry and mostly smooth. Edges of the scales may make it seem a little rough. Many people find it pleasant to touch.

* The Myth: Rattlesnakes add a rattle each year.

The Real Story: Rattlesnakes add a rattle each time they shed, and they can shed several times a year. Also, an individual may lose rattles as they break off. Therefore, counting rattles is not at all a way to tell a rattlesnake's age.

* The Myth: Milk Snakes sneak into barns and barnyards where they suck milk from cows.

The Real Story: A milk cow would hardly stand still for having a Milk Snake's teeth clamped to one of her teats. But Milk Snakes do enter barns sometimes in pursuit of mice and other small rodents.

* The Myth: Snakes travel in pairs. If one snake is killed the other snake seeks revenge.

The Real Story: There is no evidence to prove that snakes travel in pairs. If there is good habitat for a particular snake a person may see more than one individual in a small area. Also males follow females closely during mating season. And finally, there is no evidence to show social bonding in snakes.

* The Myth: Snakes have stingers on their tails with which they can poison prey or a person.

The Real Story: Some snakes have pointed tails but they do not have stingers like bees and wasps. Also, snakes produce and store venom in their heads, not their tails.

* The Myth: A snake can hypnotize or "charm" its prey so that the animal is unable to escape from the snake.

The Real Story: There is no scientific evidence that snakes are able to do this. A possible explanation for this false story is that a small animal may become frozen with fear at the approach of a snake.

* The Myth: Snakes can strike only from a coiled position.

The Real Story: Snakes can strike from any position. If a person grabs a snake's body the snake can turn extremely quickly and bite the hand that holds it.

* The Myth: An injured snake dies before sundown of the same day.

The Real Story: There is no evidence to support this myth. A badly injured snake dies quickly; a slightly injured snake will flee if possible.

* The Myth: A Hognose Snake, sometimes called a puff adder, can mix poison with its breath and kill a person at a distance of 10 or even 20 feet.

The Real Story: Hognose Snakes do not produce poison, nor do they blow their breath at other animals or people. They may hiss when threatened, but the only danger from that would be from fright.

* The Myth: Poisonous Water Moccasins live in Ohio.

The Real Story: Water Moccasins are poisonous and very dangerous, but they do not live in Ohio. The Northern Water Snake, and especially its cousin the Lake Erie Water Snake, look something like the Water Moccasin. Both are non-poisonous snakes that live in Ohio and they may be mistaken for the Water Moccasin.

* The Truth: Snakes do not have to coil to strike. They can and will strike from almost any position.

* The Truth: Some snakes hatch from eggs, while others are born alive. For example, garter snakes in Ohio bear their young alive.

* The Truth: Snakes shed their skins several times a year rather than just once.

* The Truth: Snakes can move fairly rapidly for a human on foot, but not at truly high speeds. Top speed for most snakes probably is about five to eight miles per hour.

* The Truth: Snakes do not chew their food. They swallow their prey whole. In fact, snakes can swallow whole an animal that is much bigger around than they are.

* The Truth: Snakes cannot jump. They may fall from a ledge, soil bank or tree, but they do not jump.

* The Truth: Some snakes actually are beneficial to humans because they prey on insect and rodent pests.

* The Truth: Removing the fangs of a poisonous snake does not make that snake harmless. A new pair soon replaces the lost fangs. In fact, the fangs of poisonous snakes in Ohio are constantly being renewed.

* The Truth: Most snakes found in Ohio are not poisonous. Still, there are three kinds of snake in Ohio that are poisonous, and therefore are dangerous.

* The Truth: Some snakes in Ohio will subdue small animals by wrapping coils around the prey and squeezing until the animal dies from suffocation. The snake then swallows the animal whole.

* The Truth: Rattlesnakes have rattles at the ends of their tails with which they can make a noise. As the snake grows and ages it adds a new rattle each time it sheds its skin.


Myths and truths!

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This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.

This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.

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